2006: Year's end...

After a winter in which our xc skiing was limited by lack of snow and our racing likewise, I had spinal surgery in March. This lateral view of my lumbars was taken in June. I was rehabbing well enough that we went ahead with the scheduled trip to teach in Poland in May.
After a week at the School for Information and Management in the eastern town of Rzeszow (ZHESH-oof) we spent a few days in Krakow(CROCK-oof), where I taught philosophy in 1990.
I must say the changes there make capitalism seem positively benign.
We took the train 40km west, too, where Jane bravely marched into Auschwitz.
Then it was on to Paris for a week, to
revisit cherished sites and memories, capped by a weekend on the island of Ile de Re, walking and cycling and enjoying some of the best seafood meals of our lives.
After a week at the School for Information and Management in the eastern town of Rzeszow (ZHESH-oof) we spent a few days in Krakow(CROCK-oof), where I taught philosophy in 1990.

Then it was on to Paris for a week, to

We taught our Healthy Relationships course again in June. My mother suffered another "transient ischemic attack"--a form of stroke but with limited permanent

Now winter approaches once again and once again the prospects are slight for snow and xc ski training . I'm making do with swimming and racewalking--I went 1:01 in a 5mi race early this month--since I'm not yet cleared for running, as well as continuing cycling on the many warm days provided us since October by global warming. I wish you all bracing workouts, friendly embraces, and all the good cheer you can muster. luv...jb
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